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all over the

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all over theVersión en línea

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por Elizabeth Pérez Junco

beat A over Detroit trip with tell Everybody tonight walking world these Hamburg We're message Carlo can where everywhere is all really place be street

E . L . O ( Electric Light Orchestra )
All Over The World

One , two , three , four
Everybody around the world
Gotta tell you what I just heard
There's gonna a party all over the world
I got a on the radio
But it came from , I don't know
And I heard voices calling all over the
All over the world
Everybody got the word
Everybody , , is gonna feel
Everybody down the
Everybody moving to the
They're gonna get hot down in the U . S .
New York , , L . A .
We're gonna take a across the sea
Everybody come along me
gonna hit the night down in gay Paris
C'est la vie , having your cup of tea
All over the world
Everybody got the word
Everybody , everywhere , gonna feel tonight
London , , Paris , Rome
Rio , Hong Kong , Tokyo
L . A . , New York , Amsterdam
Monte , Shard End and
All over the world
Everybody got the word
, everywhere , is gonna feel tonight
Everybody all around the world
Gotta you what I just heard
Everybody walking down the street
I know a where we all meet
Everybody gonna have a good time
Everybody will shine 'til the daylight
All over the world
Everybody got the word
Everybody , everywhere , is gonna feel tonight
All over the world
Everybody got the word
All the world
Everybody got the word
All over the world
Everybody got the wor d

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