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Family tree!

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Fill the gaps paying attention to the picture above in order to complete all the information about Ariel and Hercules' family.

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Family tree!

Fill the gaps paying attention to the picture above in order to complete all the information about Ariel and Hercules' family.

Carla Santana

married grandfather brothers sisters wife marriage engaged brothers married cousins children child bachelorettes married wife children girlfriend boyfriend married son single father proposal widowed single fiancée husband

Once upon a time . . . Ariel and Hercules belonged to the royal family . Ariel was a princess and Hercules was a demigod . Zeus and Poseidon were . Zeus was to Hera , and Hades was the of Persephone . Zeus and Hera had a strong and divine named Hercules . He was not because the human Megara became his . They were not , so she was not her . On the other hand , Poseidon and Amphitrite were in a too . They had three . Morgana and Ursula were because they didn't have any . But Triton was luckier than his two . He became the King of the ocean and he Athena . They had seven . Unfourtunately , his Athena died in a tragical accident on the surface and Triton was . He looked after his beautiful daughter Ariel and her six siblings . When Ariel turned 16 years old , she was . But then , she met Eric and she fell in love with him . Time later , they got thanks to a and Ariel became his . Finally they got and they had only one , Melody . The conclusion of this story is that the sky and the ocean are linked by the land . Both , Ariel and Hercules fell in love with a human , and they are connected in some way . Ariel's and Hercules' were . That means that they are distant . They share the same family tree !