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Unit 6 Different Strokes

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Vocabulary: lifestyle adjectives, a green lifestyle
Grammar: present progressive, present progressive vs simple present

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Unit 6 Different StrokesVersión en línea

Vocabulary: lifestyle adjectives, a green lifestyle Grammar: present progressive, present progressive vs simple present

por Kenia Yerena

work am know don't learning agree am need are ride destroying reading are knows working don't

I ( not know ) why people are so wasteful . Right now , I ( read ) a great book about predicting the planet . Everyone ( know ) that pollution is a problem . It's obvious that people ( destroy ) the planet . Some people ( need ) to use a car sometimes , but not every day . Walk or ride a bicycle ! I usually ( work ) downtown , and I always ( ride ) my bike to work . Right now though , I ( work ) from home , so I don't need to travel anywhere ! I know people ( not agree ) with everything I say , but now I think people ( learn ) that they need to do more to protect the planet .

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