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Verbo To Be

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Preencha as lacunas do texto empregando de maneira correta o verbo To be no presente de acordo com que foi estudado.

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Verbo To BeVersión en línea

Preencha as lacunas do texto empregando de maneira correta o verbo To be no presente de acordo com que foi estudado.

por Kálita Vitória

you're are are I'm is is They're is He's is is Are is I'm is They're is aren't Are is I'm is is are Are Is

you my son ?

The Prince and the Pauper ( 1881 ) a book by Mark Twain . The book about two boys , Tom and Edward . They 15 years old but their lives very different . Tom a poor boy but Edward a prince . They change places by mistake so Edward a poor boy and Tom a prince . The old King , Henry VIII , not well but he Edward's father and he wants to know the truth . . .
The King visits the prince ( or he the poor boy ? ) .
King : I don't understand ! you my son ?
Tom : No , not a prince , poor .
King : you sure ? Your clothes not very old !
Tom : not my clothes . Edward's clothes . poor now .
King : Oh no ! This terrible ! it true ?
Tom : Yes , it . really sorry , King Henry .
You my father , my King .

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