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You will have to guess important data for music, ranging from its origin, musical genres, performance, influence on society and emblematic songs.

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You will have to guess important data for music, ranging from its origin, musical genres, performance, influence on society and emblematic songs.

por Milosqui Villalobos

pop dance reggaeton prehistoric electronic classical rock and roll frequency

Origen :

It is believed that music originated at the time of modifying vocal intonations in
different languages .
- This goes back to the era .

Operation of sounds :

Musical sounds are produced by some physical processes such as a vibrating string , the air inside a wind instrument , etc . The most fundamental characteristic of these sounds is their " elevation " or " height " , or the number of times it vibrates per second , that is , their frequency .
- The louder the sound , the more it has

Influence of musical genres : Read the next text .

137 subjects were chosen for the study . Among them , 31 were men and 106 women . The average age was 20 and they were all psychology students . First they were given a test to measure their state of anxiety . Afterwards they were made to listen to fragments of heavy metal of 5 minutes each . In total , each respondent completed a 47 - minute listen .

The researcher was able to observe that during the listening lapses , the participants increased nervousness . They were restless and expressed this by constantly changing position and with erratic movements of their hands and feet .

Valderrama was able to conclude that this type of exciting melodies increased the level of anxiety . The explanation is that this kind of rhythm intensely stimulates the sympathetic system and this increases physical and psychological tension . If this is not released through movements such as dancing or jumping , the energy accumulates and gives rise to symptoms of anxiety .

- This is because the is connected with the music and the emotions .

Musical genres with more modern influence :

- Michael Jackson is the King of .
- Don Omar is the King of .
- Elvis Presley is the King of .
- Daft Punk is the greatest exponent of music .
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the greatest exponent of music .

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