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False cognates

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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False cognatesVersión en línea

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por Pedro Ron Fregoso

1 . If you want to get money you want to get money you need to ( invest / invert ) money in the company .
2 . Mary was ( once / eleven ) years old when she met her best friend .
3 . Barry ( choked / crashed ) his car against the wall .
4 . Jerry lives in the ( countryside / camp ) with his family .
5 . I never ( assist / attend ) school .
6 . He failed the math ( subject / signature ) because he didn't study .
7 . ( Actually / Nowadays ) I am living in Chicago .
8 . My ( parent / father ) works in a candy shop .
9 . The joker was a very ( emotional / exiting ) movie .
10 . I am saving my money for my ( jubilation / retirement ) .
11 . A lot of my ( parents / relatives ) are from Spain .
12 . She hurt her ( code / elbow ) in the bathroom .

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