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Simple Past

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Simple Past Versión en línea

Listen to the audio and complete the conversation.

por angeles miranda

did caused was explosion it happened helped heard night saw watched attention last do did destroyed like finally called yesterday heard arrived after ran was

Max : Sam , I the news . I that there was a serious accident near to your house .
- Sam : That`s right . There an .
- Max : What ? - Sam : First I in my room when I a loud noise , that I out the house and I the building .
- Max : What look like ?
- Sam : The explosion a lot of things . I the fire departament , they in about five minutes .
- Max : What you ?
- Sam : A hour ago I people with medical .
- Max : That`s amazing . But what the accident ?
- Sam : A gas tank exploded . Luckily all the victims are fine .
- Max : I to hear that .

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