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Unit 2 Review

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Completing this activity will allow you to review topics we've seen during the unit (What Makes Food Taste Good?) as well as prepare for your partial 2 exam.

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Unit 2 ReviewVersión en línea

Completing this activity will allow you to review topics we've seen during the unit (What Makes Food Taste Good?) as well as prepare for your partial 2 exam.

por Leticia Aguilar

large cuisine likely properties typically traditional recognize concept creative region methods steamy system consume made principle modern delicious influence sensitive

What makes food taste good ? Molecular cuisine vs traditional cooking .

The of taste is a complex one . Although people that there is a biological to it , many have expressed that it is not all that it is up of . They argue that the type of people as well as the cooking are to the way we experience food and identify flavors . Yes , some people are more than others when it comes to certain flavors because of their taste buds but the of the food , the they come from and the way it is served , consumed and enjoyed really impacts the taste of a dish .
Take molecular cuisine , for example . When the trend started , people believed it would be the future of gastronomy . The practices of science finally correctly and deliberately applied to cooking . Molecular gastronomy brought edible spheres you could eat whole in many intense flavors , instant ice cream and impressive , displays of beautifully decorated dishes that look nothing like the original , have you ever tried a quesadilla in a cup ? Molecular gastronomy had it ready . But as the fad wore off and some dishes failed to capture people's attentions and it left people wondering why this was .
The answer it seems , was that it didn't matter how much you wanted to shock people with , pretty food , nothing could beat a , tasty dish because the later is enjoyed with every sense a person has . It wasn't just your mouth taking in the lovely flavors , your sight , hearing and touch were all being activated by your surroundings , whatever they were . The love and conversation of family members while you eat a , big bowl of Pozole prepared by your grandma during a holiday or the sounds of the ocean and the nice feeling of sand in your feet while you enjoy seafood by the beach . These things , some people argue , cannot be imitated .
Molecular cuisine has tried to make a of how a dish looks , feels , tastes , it has even tried playing sounds or music while you eat to enhance your experience . Meanwhile , traditional cooking has tried to remain true to itself . Some love molecular gastronomy and others can't get enough of traditional cuisine . In the end , it seems , everyone is different and each individual decides what to them makes food taste great .

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