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Granny Forbes

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Granny Forbes

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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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Granny ForbesVersión en línea

Granny Forbes

por Ani Jezerniczky

called big died tried dark little cleaned empty was

Granny Forbes
Mrs Forbes very old and very poo Everybody in the neighbourhood her Granny Forbes and to help her . Some neighbours came in each day and cooked meals for her . Others came and her room . There was furniture in her room . It was small , , and almost . There was a bed and a table , and there were two chairs . In winter , neighbours sometimes brought coal and lit a fire , but Granny's room was often very cold . Granny live in poverty all her life . She at the age of eighty - four . Then her neighbours got a surprise . She left ? 50 , 000 !

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