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"Wh" questions

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We learn about what "Wh" questions mean and how to use them. We have to fill the gaps with "Wh" words. Good luck!

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Edad recomendada: 10 años
14 veces realizada

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"Wh" questionsVersión en línea

We learn about what "Wh" questions mean and how to use them. We have to fill the gaps with "Wh" words. Good luck!

por Ana María De Miguel

Where Who Why When how What

- Hello Paul !
- Hello Sally !
- are you come from ?
- I come from school . I`m learning spanish .
- Really ? That`s fantastic ! did you start your classes ?
- I started my classes a month ago and I`m really glad .
- are you so glad ?
- Because I`m learning to speak spanish very quickly . The teacher is so good !
- I see . is he ?
- She is a girl . Her name is Barbara .
- And did you know about her ?
- I read an advertisement in a newspaper and I telephoned her . And I started classes the next day !
- That sounds fantastic ! Do you think I could telephone her to start studying spanish too ?
- Sure !
- is her telephone number ? Please , give me !
- Here you are !
- Oh , thank you ! I`m wishing to start ! Good bye Paul !
- Bye Sally ! See you !

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