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Vocabulary song

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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HalloweenVersión en línea

Vocabulary song

por Noelia Gonzalez

witch monsters street monsters night house mummy ghost strange scary vampire skeleton Halloween


Walking down the street , on Halloween
Lots of scary , and other strange sights

Boy : I see a !

Ghosts : ghost sounds

Walking down the , on Halloween night
Lots of scary monsters , and other strange sights

Boy : I see a !

Vampire : Welcome to my . . . hahhahaa

Walking down the street , on Halloween night
Lots of scary monsters , and other sights

Boy : I see a !

Skeleton : Hello , have you seen my coffin ?

Walking down the street , on night
Lots of scary monsters , and other strange sights

Boy : I see a !

Witch : Hee hee hee hee

Walking down the street , on Halloween night
Lots of scary , and other strange sights

Boy : I see a werewolf !

Werewolf : " howl "

Walking down the street , on Halloween night
Lots of monsters , and other strange sights

Boy : I see a !

Mummy : I'm sorry , I don't have time to talk - - I'm all wrapped up at the momen t

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