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Friends Forever

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Friends ForeverVersión en línea

Answer questions accordingly.

por Moshina Hafesji

walk maccaroni make piano cat talk run pass songs family great kick bubbles help Forever smile play giggle act rocks friends jump pizza homework Morris books silly shells hug turtle

" Friends " is a story that Ann wrote .

Are we good ?
Yes , we are good friends .

Do you play with your friends and family ?
Yes , I with my friends and .

What do you do together with your friends at the park ?
We and together .

Do you help your friends do the homework ?
No , I don't them do the .
Do you help your friends up ?
Yes , I help them up .

What do you like to hunt for in the sand ?
We like to hunt for and in the sand .

Can you jump on the sofa ?
No , we can't on the sofa . We can jump in the trampoline .

Leat's eat food : , and steak . Yum !

We are on a soccer team . We a lot . We the ball . We the ball and goal .

Do you like to make bubbles ?
Yes , we like to .

When do you act silly ?
We when we take pictures .

Do you play the piano with your friends ?
No , we don't play the .

My grandfather and grandmother are my friends . We and a lot .

My dog is my friend . Which animal is your friend ?
The and are our friends .

In school , we can share games , , and a .

Good friends are . Let's be Friends Forever !

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