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Edad recomendada: 9 años
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Listen to the song and fill in the blanks

Mariana Janet Velasco Ortega

know sun goo Stars world And feel new tree peace free new freedom Butterflies feel

Birds flying high ,
You know how I
Sun in the sky ,
You how I feel .
Breeze drifting on by ,
You know how I .
It's a new dawn .
It's a day
It's a new life
For me ,
I'm feeling good .
Fish in the sea
You know how I feel .
River running ,
You know how I feel .
Blossom on the
You know how I feel .
It's a dawn .
It's a new day .
It's a new life
For me ,
And I'm feeling good .
Dragonfly out in the
You know what I mean , don't you know ?
all havin' fun ,
You know what I mean .
Sleep in when day is done .
That's what I mean .
And this old is a new world
And a bold world
For me
when you shine ,
You know how I feel .
Scent of the pine ,
You know how I feel .
Oh , is mine .
And I know how I feel .
It's a new dawn .
It's a new day .
It's a new life
For me .
And I'm feeling