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Indefinite pronouns

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Complete the summary of the chapter using indefinite pronouns.

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Indefinite pronounsVersión en línea

Complete the summary of the chapter using indefinite pronouns.

por Madia Burgos

someone anything somewhere something one anyone anything Nothing everything someone no something everyone

" About two weeks ago stole some jewellery from Shekh Bin Salem's house . I didn't know it , but some of the jewellery was in a parcel . There was a note asking me to take the parcel in Dubai . When I got there was waiting to take the parcel .
Soon after that , the police arrested me . I had to wait at the police station for a long time and told me . I told the policeman that I didn't know about the jewellery . The policeman knew about me - my address , my job , my family . I was worried that bad could happen to you all .
I've worked for Sheikh Bin Salem for a long time . like this has ever happened before . He asked me to take the parcel because he trusted me more than else . But now he can't trust me and will think I am the thief . Perhaps the police will find to help them to catch the true thief . Then I can forget all this . "

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