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Phrasal Verbs_Unit 1_14_b1

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Fill in the blanks with the expressions from the previous exercise

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Edad recomendada: 21 años
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Phrasal Verbs_Unit 1_14_b1Versión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the expressions from the previous exercise

por Tatiana Muchnick

in for on blame in to cure concentrate disqualified for on from from abstain result identical to bet invest subscribe

1 . That watch you're wearing is ( the same as ) the one I bought last week .
2 . It may take many more years before they find a ( way to heal ) cancer patients .
3 . You should smoking ( shouldn't smoke ) if you want to lead a healthier lifestyle .
4 . Joe should ( pay attention to ) his studies more if he hopes to pass his exams this year .
5 . Fans were surprised when the team was ( not allowed to continue in ) the tournament .
6 . One more mistake will ( lead to ) the dismissal of the employees involved .
7 . It's not fair to Susie ( hold Susie responsible for ) breaking the vase .
8 . I don't ( agree with ) the view that some cultures are superior to the others .
9 . The government is planning to ( spend money on ) the school sysytem in the hope of improving education throughout the country .
10 . You shouldn't ( risk your money ) sporting events - you're far more likely to lose than to win .

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