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Bullying - vocab

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bullying sentences

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Bullying - vocabVersión en línea

bullying sentences

por Mrs Kempken

stand lifts spirit a lifts take spirit catchy commit your whereas your bullied suicide Indeed drop bully popular against

The authors want the audience to bullying because victims might fail in class , out of school or even try to .
The video entitled " Red " because at the end , we can see a boy who has dyed his hair red to support the boy who got .
The video by Taylor Swift is a videoclip that . , at the end of the song , the authors show the audience that life gets better .
The trailer of " A girl like her " is composed of two parts . The first part shows a and nice Avery , the second part shows a , who enjoys harassing Jessica .

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