The Weather
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1 - Complete the sentences with the four seasons.
1 – It gets cold and it snows outside in ________________.
2 – It gets hot outside in ______________.
3 – The leaves turn red, yellow and orange in _________________.
4 – It gets warm and flowers and plants start to grow in _____________.
2 – Complete the words as in the example.
What’s the weather like today?
Ex: Sun – It’s sunny
1 – cloud –
2 – rain –
3 – wind –
4 – snow –
5 – storm -
1 – It gets cold and it snows outside in ________________.
2 – It gets hot outside in ______________.
3 – The leaves turn red, yellow and orange in _________________.
4 – It gets warm and flowers and plants start to grow in _____________.
2 – Complete the words as in the example.
What’s the weather like today?
Ex: Sun – It’s sunny
1 – cloud –
2 – rain –
3 – wind –
4 – snow –
5 – storm -
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Edad recomendada: 8 años
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