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Complete with the right verb

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Complete with the right verb

por Maria Soledad Gonzalez

promised like started trying hope need learning forget decided pretended offered Remember planning want

1 . We to go to France on holidays next summer
2 . Don't to turn off all the lights
3 . We to see you again soon
4 . I'm to drive . My test is next week .
5 . I to go to the supermarket . We need some milk .
6 . He to help me with my CV .
7 . They are to get married soon .
8 . He to be ill , but he wasn't really .
9 . He to pay me back when he gets a job .
10 . to bring your dictionaries to class tomorrow .
11 . It was very cloudy and it to rain .
12 . I'm to find a job but it is very difficult .
13 . I to catch the 6 pm train .
14 . I'd to buy a new car next month .

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