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Idioms: Business

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Complete the text with the following expressions: reality check / buy into / on the same page / customer- focused / ballpark figure / go forward / a win-win situation / in the loop

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Idioms: BusinessVersión en línea

Complete the text with the following expressions: reality check / buy into / on the same page / customer- focused / ballpark figure / go forward / a win-win situation / in the loop

por Dany Maldonado

Complete the text with the following expressions : reality check / buy into / on the same page / customer - focused / ballpark figure / go forward / a win - win situation / in the loop

1 . Our entire organization is - to provide customers with security , trust and innovative solutions .
2 . There is absolutely no reason why the Commission should not that code of good administrative behaviour , so that we would have a common code for all three institutions .
3 . You've determined what you need and want in a home and you have a on how much you can afford to spend .
4 . We must all now build on what we have achieved and taking into account the interests of all members .
5 . These activities provided a strong and affirmative for the analytical work .
6 . Clearly , being open and transparent , as well as being in contact with the local community is a - for all those involved .
7 . If you want your employees to work hard and be committed to your business , you've got to keep them
8 . Collaborate and work together safely .

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