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What happened to them? Listen and complete.

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What happened to them? Listen and complete.

por Ale Esquivel

bag crowd tag Boy hear back layover drowsy picked crowded got departure eager overnight

1 . You'll probably be surprised to what I did ! I was on a business trip . The flight was a long one , and when I arrived at my destination , I was to get my bags and get to my hotel to relax . Well , you know , they always tell you to be careful to get the right , but I was in a hurry . You can guess what happened : My black suitcase looked just like every other one , so I up someone else's . I didn't realize my mistake until I to the hotel . Well , I immediately called the airport , and fortunately , it all worked out . I had to go to the airport , though , to pick up my suitcase and return the other one . And of course , I also had to apologize . If only I'd checked the name more carefully ! It's funny , this sort of thing almost never happens to me when I travel .
2 . This is kind of a funny story . I was in Panama City and had a between flights . I'd arrived at about 6 : 00 p . m . , and my flight out wasn't until about 8 : 30 . Well , my flight was delayed . . . and delayed . It got really at the gate . I was getting tired , and there were so many people around - I hate crowds . I was reading and feeling . I wish I'd slept on the flight to Panama . Anyway . the next thing I know , I wake up and there's no one around . The is gone ! I'd fallen asleep and missed my flight ! They must have made lots of announcements , and I missed them all ! , did I feel stupid . I had to stay in Panama City and catch a flight out the next morning .

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