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Wh-words: What, where, when, who, which, how, etc.

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Ask simple questions Versión en línea

Wh-words: What, where, when, who, which, how, etc.

por Natalia Bellido Salas

see the Thanks send me help I do you for 2 room agenda problem 3 need is it When where great at No

Dialogue #1
A : Hi . Paula , how can you ?
B : I some help with an API I'm working on .
A . Sure . Let see the code .
B . What do to make it work ?
A : There's a tiny mistake in this part of your code . Do you ?
B : Oh yes ! I'll correct it ? . It works ! the help .
A : Sure . .

Dialogue #2
A : is the meeting ?
B : tomorrow pm .
A : it ?
B : In
A : Great . Do you have ?
B : yes , I have to it today .
A : that's !

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