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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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por Francisco Paneblanco

out run low pick losing enable leave get ringing get top hang up call recharge save

1 - I was trying to you but I couldn't through .
2 - Can you please , up that phone ! It's been for ages .
3 - Mum ? Do you have some spare money to up my phone ? I've of credit .
4 - Sorry , I can't hear you . You are breaking . I think I'm my signal .
5 - No ! You can't go to that party daniel . No . . Daniel , Daniel . . . don't you dare up on me .
6 - Uh ! I see . . . let me check that information and back to you .
7 - Thanks for calling H&M , please your message after the bip .
8 - When you are in an aircraft you need to the airplane mode .
9 - Mum I'm on battery . I'll try to it while on the car .
10 - I think it'll be easier if we share details so I can you in my contact list .

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