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-ed adjectives

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-ed adjectivesVersión en línea

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.

por Ale Esquivel

baffled1 infuriated1 mystified2 stunned2 frustrated2 insulted1

1 . 1 Max read over the instructions in his new computer manual several times , but he was still . The instructions were not written very clearly .
1 . 2 My boss is impatient and gets angry when she has to wait for things . She was that she had to wait for six months to get a refund for a defective cell phone .
1 . 3 In some cultures , people feel if new acquaintances refuse to shake hands .

2 . 1 Julia was because her rent was due on the first of the month , but she wouldn't get her paycheck until the following week .
2 . 2 . After the doctor disappeared , the detective conducted a thorough investigation . Even after analyzing all the evidence , he was still about what had actually happened .
2 . 3 Vicky didn't think her violin audition went very well , so she was to learn that the conductor had selected her for first chair in the orchestra .

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