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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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community serversVersión en línea

People who offer a service

por Maria Elvira Romero Valdez

paramedic stairs flames breathing vet lives firefighters collector trash night

Jack at home with his mother and father . One , after Jack and his mother were both off to sleep and Jack's father was comming home from a trip , their house caught on fire . Jack's mother ran into his room to wake him . He and his mother ran down the and out the from door . The neighbor , Mrs . Kean , grabbed Jack's dog Grubber , took him into her home , and fed him . Dana and other local came to Jack's home to put out the . Jim , a local police officer , called Jack's father to inform him about the fire and his family's safe escape from the house . A named Sarah examined Jack and his mother to make sure they didn't have any burns or trouble . A few days after fire , Jack and his parents took Grubber to Dr . Jones the to make sure he was okey . Jack's neighbors helped his family clean up the portion of their home that had been damaged . Once all of the trash was gathered outside , Bill , the , picked it up .

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