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Unit 15. Part 1&2

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Unit 15 Past perfect I had done

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Unit 15. Part 1&2Versión en línea

Unit 15 Past perfect I had done

por Mohamed Ahmed

had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had

When Sarah arrived at the party , Paul wasn't there . He gone home .
I wasn't sure who she was . I seen her before , but could not remember where .
We were not hungry . We just had lunch
The house was dirty . They not cleaned it for weeks .
I felt good when I woke up . I slept well .
I did not have my phone with me . I left it at home .
Recently I went back to my home town after many years away . It changed a lot .
Karen did not want to go to the cinema with us . She already seen the movie .
The people sitting next to me on the plane were very nervous . They not flown before .
I invited Rachel to the party , but she could not come . She arranged to do something else .
I offered them something to eat , but they were not hungry . They just had lunch .
Last year we went to Mexico . It was our first visit . We never been there before .
I had coffee with Daniel last week . I not seen him for five years , so it was good to get together after such a long time .
At first I thought I done the right thing , but I soon realised that I made a big mistake .
We no money left . We spent it all .
Sarah was not able to walk very well . She hurt her knee .
Joe was wearing his new jacket . He not worn it before .
There was nobody at home . They all gone out .
There was a picture lying on the floor . It fallen off the wall .

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