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Boarding schools in the UK 3

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Part 3

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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Boarding schools in the UK 3Versión en línea

Part 3

por Diego Guanopatin

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1 . I'm studying music at GCSE , well as many other subjects .
2 . I'm from Lithuania and this is my third year the school .
3 . The other teacher mainly teaches user , the music history , and all the theory that we need know for our exams .
4 . In terms more formal feedback that supports them , we regularly assess their progress .
5 . I do chemistry six times week .
6 . I'm looking forward doing chemistry in future subjects .
7 . There's only three students here , and we have four maths teachers total , so it's quite good .
8 . You can just ask the teacher immediately and they can slow down or even speed when you need it .

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