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Activate B1 Unit 5

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Vocaabulary: Crime

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Activate B1 Unit 5Versión en línea

Vocaabulary: Crime

por Guadalupe Soto Reyes

punished sentence offenders fine arrested court law crime released

Do you think that people who cause accidents are several enough ? Very often , someone who is for dangerous driving ends up being from prision . They only have to pay a , and are banned from driving for a couple of years . Drunk or careless drivers cause a large number of deaths each year . The worst are young men between 18 and 25 years old . Many people think than a like this shoul be punished with a prision . Driving to fast , or carelessly , is against the , but , unless there is an accident , it doesn't come to . Perhaps , if the punishment was more severe , young people would try to drive more carefully . What do you think ?

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