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China Quarrels

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China Quarrels

Review Questions

Kimberly Pak

Modernizations Four Tru True True True True False agriculture technology defense False True science industry

1 . Mao was against capitalism of any sort .
2 . After Mao ? s death , China entered an era of economic openness .
3 . Deng Xiaoping set economic goals known as the .
4 . The Four Modernizations called for progress in the areas of : , , and and .
5 . Under Deng , China allowed small private businesses to operate .
6 . On July 1 , 1997 , India handed Hong Kong over to China .
7 . Taiwan is eager to rejoin with China .
8 . Hong Kong still enjoys some democratic freedoms .
9 . In 1971 , U . S . President Richard Nixon visited China , opening the door to improved relations with the West .
10 . China is now seeing a growing middle class .