Epidemics that change th world
Infectious diseases have always been part of human life.
Throughout history, there has been a continuous battle between
microorganisms and humans; the first need to infect humans
in order to persist in nature, and the Homo sapiens seeks the
control and eradication of diseases that affect him. On many
occasions, infectious diseases have killed millions of human
beings; in other cases, they have changed history. You must find the great epidemics that changed the world
Throughout history, there has been a continuous battle between
microorganisms and humans; the first need to infect humans
in order to persist in nature, and the Homo sapiens seeks the
control and eradication of diseases that affect him. On many
occasions, infectious diseases have killed millions of human
beings; in other cases, they have changed history. You must find the great epidemics that changed the world
Creada por
Odair Alberto Serrano Sarria