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blue as your eyes - sfg

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relenar huecos con la letra de la canción Blue as your eyes de Scouting for girls

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blue as your eyes - sfgVersión en línea

relenar huecos con la letra de la canción Blue as your eyes de Scouting for girls

por Luis Santos Lema

trying blue eyes feeling going been showed turned been alive gave trying showed feeling heart start wanted said begged head eyes mine

Am I falling apart ?
Is this falling in love , am I insane ?
You scratched out my
You scratched out my heart , you etched on my brain
B - b - b - b - b - b - b - brain
Every word
Every word that you goes round
Round in my
Round like a cyclone in my mind
B - b - b - b - b - b - b - brain
Well I've been to get a hold on you
I've trying to get a hold on you
I've been trying to get a hold on you
On this crazy world of
Every day , right from the start
When I you my hand , I you my heart
Falling in love , alive
Clear as to mud , I'm as your eyes , blue as your
Is it all in my head ?
You me away , you me to stay
Is it something I said ?
You to change , you wanted the same
S - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - same
Well I've trying to get a hold on you
I've been to get a hold on you
I've been trying to get a hold on you
On this crazy world of mine
Every day , right from the
When I you my hand , I gave you my heart
Falling in love , alive
Clear as to mud , I'm blue as your , blue as your eyes
Every day , right from the start
When I showed you my hand , I gave you my heart
Falling in love , feeling
Clear as to mud , I'm blue as your eyes , blue as your eyes
Every day , right from the start
When I showed you my hand , I gave you my heart
Falling in love , feeling alive
Clear as to mud , I'm blue as your eyes , blue as your eye s

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