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Predictions about technology

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Complete the sentences with is and are, according to the subjetc and the structure of "Be going to"

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Predictions about technologyVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with is and are, according to the subjetc and the structure of "Be going to"

por Viviana Carolina Menjura Villamil

are are is are are are

Looking at the technology growth over the past decade , we can clearly see the massive progress we have made in terms of new technology and its applications in our everyday lives . Therefore , we shall look at some future technology predictions . . .

* Space tourism
SpaceX has already taken the lead in developing a sustainable space tourism model . In the future people going to do space tourism with high cost and a lot of privileges .

* Self - driving cars
Self - driving cars has received a major boost owing to multiple positives that it arrives with . So machines going to drive cars and to take over with the artificial intelligence .

* New sources of energy
Ocean thermal energy going to generate electricity at utility scale

* Drone ecosystem
Drones might form the basic ecosystem of the entire logistics industry , people going to use drones for surveillance and mapping purposes in areas inaccessible by man

* Virtual Reality
People going to use virtual reality but from an absolute business point of view , some avenues to be explored can include academics , employee / customer onboarding , training and tourism .

* Medical advancement with AI and nanobots
Nanobots are being extensively researched to detect and cure diseases . People think that nanobots going to detect and cure diseases in the future .

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