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Short Story

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Ninth grade students must complete the short story

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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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Short Story

Ninth grade students must complete the short story

Keissy Velandia

can God always space will friend belong day will sadness there school understand promise


One of being in a conference on vulcanology , charlie , a brilliant student and explorer , writes for chat to peter , his best friend , expressing the desire to know " the volcano of " , and that undoubtedly the traveling companion would be he would live the best event that way .

Charlie , the most risky and interested , makes him to his that he will not let him die trying that in good times and bad they go on without giving up . PROMISED ! That's how it was , everything planned was developed , Magical place , friend ? it couldn't be better , this is a paradise , we never imagined finding : love between the stones , they rubbed like human embraces ; life among the lava , only praises and blessings flowed ; was the presence of shaping the world .
Time asked for their return . They undertook it with the same resources , but now they would come more burdened because they brought with them values , virtues , teachings and dressings that physical man never be able to , especially when the essence , content and threat of an earthly volcano are known . We would like to stay in that space , expressed the volcanautas , where is no hatred , , pain , concern , uncertainty , human misery , but this world does not to us , it only teaches us and motivates us to return not only to tell such a beautiful experience , but to make it alive . If we !