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Unit 7: Just, Yet and Already

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5th of Primary

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Edad recomendada: 10 años
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Unit 7: Just, Yet and AlreadyVersión en línea

5th of Primary

por mika g

yet just already yet just yet yet just yet already yet already already just just

Already : FINISHED and EARLY , or earlier than expected
Yet : NOT yet finished , but in the future ! Used for NEGATIVE sentences and QUESTIONS .
Just : An action that occurred very RECENTLY . Just isn't used in negative sentences .

1 . Have you eaten breakfast ?
2 . I don't want to watch the movie Frozen again . I've seen it four times !
3 . Laura has phoned from Paris . I spoke to her 2 minutes ago .
4 . The concert will begin in 30 minutes but the singers haven't arrived .
5 . I´ve finished Physical Education class . Now I am super tired !
6 . I have been to Barcelona but I haven't been to Bilbao .
7 . They have tried to call Nicole twice . They should try again this afternoon .
8 . Have you seen the new Netflix film ?
9 . Oh , no thank you , I don't want to eat anything now . I ate a few hours ago .
10 . John and Jake have missed the train . It left 10 seconds ago !
11 . Carol has done her homework . She said she finished her homework last night .
12 . My brother hasn't cleaned his room . He really doesn't like cleaning !
13 . I've visited my grandmother . I am so happy that I finally got to see her after so long !
14 . Steve hasn't graduated . He will graduate next year .
15 . Congratulations ! You have won the lottery !

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