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Navy Aviation Boatswain Mate

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Navy Aviation Boatswain MateVersión en línea

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por Laure Hauwaert

takeoff landing handling catapults rescue dangerous outdoors deck

Aviation Boatswain's Mates play a major part in launching and recovering naval aircraft quickly and safely . It includes aircraft preparation and fueling before and after , as well as fire - fighting and operations . Later in their careers , ABs can earn the advanced AB rating that supervises all of the individual specialties .

The aviation boatswain's mate that specializes in performs the following duties :
Supervises the movement , spotting , and securing of aircraft and equipment .
Performs crash rescue , fire fighting , crash removal , and damage control duties in connection with launching and recovery of aircraft .
Maintains and performs organizational maintenance on hydraulic and steam , barricades , arresting gear , and arresting gear engines .
Operates catapult launch and arresting consoles , firing panels , water brakes , blast deflectors , and cooling panels .

Most of the work in this rating is performed on the of aircraft carriers , in all climatic conditions , in fast - paced and often potentially environments .

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