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Cloze test interactivo para nivel B2

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Cloze test interactivo para nivel B2

por Silvia Ciruela Martín

Professor Lydia Bourouiba the Massachusetts Institute Technology ( MIT ) used high - speed cameras to capture a cough projecting miniature specks far as six metres .

She is critical the current safety guidance : " Having this false idea of safety at one to two metres - somehow drops will just fall to the ground at that distance - is not based on we have quantified , measured and visualised directly . "

And a study carried out at hospitals in China , found traces of coronavirus in Covid - 19 wards and intensive care units , estimated four metres is a better safe distance .

But for the US Centres for Disease Control , the role of aerosols in spreading the virus is " currently uncertain " .

And what's still not established is whether any virus that spreads further two metres can still be infectious .

Reference :
Shukman , D . ( 2020 ) . Social distancing and coronavirus : The science behind the two - metre rule . BBC News .

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