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ET3 EXERCISE L3 ACT 6Versión en línea

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por Tika

I want to tell you about my experience last Saturday night . I at home alone . My father not at home . My mother and my sister at my grandmother's house . My grandmother sick . My cousin , Hana , at my house because she wanted to keep me company . But , she stayed in her room all night . So , I practically alone . My cats , Fluffy and Posh , on the sofa . Suddenly , I heard a knock at the front door . I scared , but I knew I had to open the door and see who it .
Slowly , I walked to the front door to see who the visitor . When I opened the front door , I didn't see anybody . As I closed the door . . . . there it again , a knock on the door . I opened the door again . Still , I didn't see anybody . It happened a few more times . I upset I walked out the door and shouted to the world outside . Who are you ? Show your face if you dare ! Then , there it again . A knock , not on my door because I standing in front of it . It a woodpecker pecking at the trunk of a tree !

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