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GRAMMAR 1 (2). UNIT 13

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GRAMMAR 1 (2). UNIT 13

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GRAMMAR 1 (2). UNIT 13Versión en línea

GRAMMAR 1 (2). UNIT 13

por María Marteles

eat so much chocolate - go to bed - drink lots of water - study hard tonight - sit down - play tennis this afternoon

1 . A : I've got a pain in my right arm .
B : You shouldn't

2 . A : I'm very tired and it's late .
B : Then you should , Sam .

3 . A : My foot hurts .
B : You should for a while .

4 . A : I feel sick .
B : Well , you shouldn't !

5 . A : I've got a difficult maths exam tomorrow .
B : You should .

6 . A : Sarah's got a terrible cold .
B : She should rest and

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