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High - Flyers 9 exercise

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choose the correct word to fill in the blank

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Edad recomendada: 9 años
16 veces realizada

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High - Flyers 9 exerciseVersión en línea

choose the correct word to fill in the blank

por Fauzi Ariska

whole huge special immense gorgeous entire terrible exhausted unusual stunning

1 . A page in the newspaper is about the new major in the city
2 . The TV station has a reporter who investigate cases
3 . There is an tower that can be seen from far away .
4 . the editor made a mistake . and it's for him to do that .
5 . a story about olympic games took up ten pages of the magazines .
6 . the students spent the class discussing the mass media
7 . there is a new girl in the class
8 . the painting looks . everyone who saw it couldn't describe it .
9 . we are from the marathon race .
10 . the food was . jhon couldn't finish i t

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