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larynx in the process of vocal

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Explain the role of the larynx in the process of vocalization.

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larynx in the process of vocalVersión en línea

Explain the role of the larynx in the process of vocalization.

por Chastity Grimes

cricoid cartilage lynx Thyroid cricoid arytenoid epiglottis two cricoid thyroid

The is a cartilaginous structure composed of several different cartilage elements . This includes one , one , one epiglottis and arytenoid cartilage . cartilage is the largest cartilage od the lynx . The is a complete ring of cartilage that forms the inferior border of the larynx . The is a thin triangular flap of cartilage located at the entrance of the larynx . The cartilage is two pyramidal cartilages that sit on top of the cartilage and have the vocal ligaments attached to them .

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