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It's time to practice

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Regular verbs Versión en línea

It's time to practice

por Julian Felipe Cortes Herrera

Yesterday Tina went to fair with her father . There were may toys at the fair . She ( want ) to buy all the toys . There were also many food stalls . As Tina was hungry , she ( walk ) towards one of the stalls . But she did not realise that she had let her father's hand go . She went to shop and ( ask ) for a chocolate . The shopkeeper ( ask ) for money . She ( turn ) back . But she did not find her father . She ( start ) crying . The shopkeeper gave her a candy . He also told her ot to cry . He took her to a police officer .
The police ( announce ) Tina's name through the speakers . After some time , her father ( arrive ) and saw Tina . Tina ran towards him , hugged him tightly and ( cry ) . Her father bought her many toys . Tina did not let go of her father's hand ever again .

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