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bec vantage book 5 test 4 part 5

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READING PART 5Versión en línea

bec vantage book 5 test 4 part 5

por Aire Español

schemes impact hand trains delivered environmental issues guarantee consequence how suitable aimed involved respects

Elco and social responsibility ? ?
0 Elco is a leading electrical retailer based in France . The company has been involved in ? ?
00 of social responsibility for many years and has always to achieve a ? ?
34 positive social impact while tackling the issues raised by electrical ? ?
35 retailing . As a , Elco has an integrated approach to social and environmental ? ?
36 issues and is particularly in community and recycling projects . As ? ?
37 part of this commitment , Elco helps to run a two - year programme that ? ?
38 people with learning difficulties to repair domestic electrical appliances . These ? ?
39 appliances are collected by Elco from customers' homes when new products are ? ?
40 . About 10% of them are for repair , leaving the other 90% to be dismantled ? ?
41 and sold for appropriate industrial treatment . The repaired appliances are then sold on ? ?
42 the second - market at a low price and with a one - year . Elco is also
43 currently working to reduce the its own transport system has on the ? ?
44 environment . Drivers attend training sessions , offered in partnership with car suppliers ? ?
45 and transport companies , to learn to drive in a way that the environmen t

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