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Verbs for Relationships

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Complete the sentences with the missing verbs/verb phrases that describe relationships.

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Verbs for RelationshipsVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the missing verbs/verb phrases that describe relationships.

por Euge Federico

touch went up friends got together got on broke proposed married to had together get know touch met were out in get common became in lost

This is our love story . We when we were in our first year of university . We attended the same classes so we gradually each other . As time went by , we and we noticed that we many interests , for instance , we both liked the cinema a lot . We a couple of times . However , we stopped seeing each other after that . A few years later we met and we started dating . We for about three months . Unfortunately , we at the end of the year and we . We never saw each other again . . . But ten years later we accidentally met in a coffee shop , we were both single so we . Now , we even better than before . After four years together , he . We are planning to soon .

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