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Fred's story

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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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Fred's storyVersión en línea

Complete the story. Use the words given.

por Geraldine CV

true blowing whole vacation ran BB thunderstorm Fred were began tried red made remembered heard supposed problem end

Once upon a time , there was a boy named Fred . His name was Frederick , but he only liked people to call him . One day , he was very bored because it was winter , and all of his friends were on . He decided to go on a quest . The only was Fred didn't know what to look for on his quest , so he didn't know where to find it . Then he a story about a terrible creature with huge claws and eyes . His brother , Allan , had told him the tale when he was much younger . The creature was to hide in the thicket of trees at the of the street , but you could hear him howl aloud in bad weather . Fred knew the story was because he could hear the creature's noises during the that passed through the town last week . He decided that he would find the monster and shoot it with his gun to save the neighborhood from the monster's screeching . However , when Fred finally made it to the thicket , the woolds totally bare except for one chattering squirrel that to steal his mittens right off his hands . "
Could this be the monster from my brother's tale ? " thought Fred . Then it suddenly to rain , and Fred home when he the thunder . He didn't hear the creature until he got inside his house , and that him realize that the noise wasn't from a monster . Other things could make that noise , too . It was just the wind through the attic .

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