Self Evaluation 8 - English Language Reading and Writing III
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1 Scientists have warned us: The Earth's climate is getting hotter. This is happening because of what we humans do and the gases we have put into the atmosphere. As a result, the climate will keep changing for a long time, and it will affect all of us. Some of the changes may be good (at least in the short term), and some may be harmful, or even deadly. Not only is the atmosphere getting hotter, it is also getting more energetic. This means that some places will be windier, some places wetter, and some places dryer, or even cooler. That's why the term "global warming" has been replaced by the more accurate "climate change." Although on average it will be warmer, it won’t be warmer everywhere. But no matter what, the climate will be changing everywhere.
2 As these changes become clear, many countries are trying to reduce their emissions. Toyota has helped by creating the world’s top-selling hybrid car, the Prius. Other companies such as Ford, Honda, and Hyundai have added a variety of hybrid cars to the market. These decrease emissions by using a combination of gasoline and electric power. In addition to hybrid cars for personal use, many cities, such as Montreal, are using hybrid buses for transportation. In addition, hybrid trains are popular in China, Japan, and Europe. However, the future development of hybrid vehicles in the U.S. remains uncertain, as high-emission cars powered by fossil fuels will likely continue to be the most commonly used vehicles.
3 It is important for us to focus on the fact that if we take action, climate change can be managed and kept to a minimum. By facing the problem of climate change now, we can adapt our lives and come up with ways to make improvements.
Read the information in the box about global warming. Organize the causes and effects to form a causal chain.
1 Scientists have warned us: The Earth's climate is getting hotter. This is happening because of what we humans do and the gases we have put into the atmosphere. As a result, the climate will keep changing for a long time, and it will affect all of us. Some of the changes may be good (at least in the short term), and some may be harmful, or even deadly. Not only is the atmosphere getting hotter, it is also getting more energetic. This means that some places will be windier, some places wetter, and some places dryer, or even cooler. That's why the term "global warming" has been replaced by the more accurate "climate change." Although on average it will be warmer, it won’t be warmer everywhere. But no matter what, the climate will be changing everywhere.
2 As these changes become clear, many countries are trying to reduce their emissions. Toyota has helped by creating the world’s top-selling hybrid car, the Prius. Other companies such as Ford, Honda, and Hyundai have added a variety of hybrid cars to the market. These decrease emissions by using a combination of gasoline and electric power. In addition to hybrid cars for personal use, many cities, such as Montreal, are using hybrid buses for transportation. In addition, hybrid trains are popular in China, Japan, and Europe. However, the future development of hybrid vehicles in the U.S. remains uncertain, as high-emission cars powered by fossil fuels will likely continue to be the most commonly used vehicles.
3 It is important for us to focus on the fact that if we take action, climate change can be managed and kept to a minimum. By facing the problem of climate change now, we can adapt our lives and come up with ways to make improvements.
Read the information in the box about global warming. Organize the causes and effects to form a causal chain.
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