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Vocabulary: Buildings and places

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Activate A2 Unit 10Versión en línea

Vocabulary: Buildings and places

por Guadalupe Soto Reyes

tent farm dining tower castle forest room bedrooms


Last month I went camping with my school . The campasite was next to a so we could hear animals early every moning ! There were bathrooms on the campsite so we washed there and we cooked outside . We all stay together in one big . It was great fun .

One day we went on a trip . We visited a great where a famous king once lived . It had twelve so there was space for lots of people to sleep ! The tallest part of the building was the and there were fantastic views from the top of the castle . We saw the where the king used to eat his meals . It was an amazing room ! The castle was in the middle of a so all you could see were trees everywhere . It was really cool ! .

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