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READING 5è (2)

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Good morning! Us proposo que feu aquesta lectura per repassar les Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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Edad recomendada: 10 años
27 veces realizada

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READING 5è (2)Versión en línea

Good morning! Us proposo que feu aquesta lectura per repassar les Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4.

por Ariadna Guillen

favourite learning anything card world books money language class present day people language you're much people friend help

Dear granny ,

I hope well . Thanks very for my birthday and last week . You're the best granny in the ! I love Jeff Kinney's books . She's my author and I can't wait to read his !

Granny , can you help us ? My are doing a sponsored silence next week . We're asking to give for every hour that we spend without saying a word . We want to give the money to a centre for deaf . They use it to buy hearing aids . We're about what it's like to be deaf , it can be scary !

This is how it works : we're not allowed to talk all . If we want to say , we have to write it down or use a sign . My Anna's mum is deaf and she's coming to teach us some sign .

Can you ?

Love ,
Amanda .

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