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spanish constitution

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Complete the sentences about Spanish constitution.

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spanish constitutionVersión en línea

Complete the sentences about Spanish constitution.

por Filomena DF

protection participate Constitution duties duties obey democracy elect law equal Spanish right rights autonomous

The Spanish is the most important in Spain . It makes Spain a . A democracy is where all the citizens have equal and . The present Constitution was approved on 6th December 1978 .
The Constitution guarantees all people :
? The to personal development . This means an education , health care , work , a place to live and many other things needed for personal growth .
? The right to in Spanish politics and to political representatives .
? The right to legal . All Spanish people are in the eyes of the law and all people must the law .
The Constitution also reflects :
? All the rights and of the Spanish people .
? The territorial organization of Spain by way of the communities .

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