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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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AlbaniaVersión en línea

Have fun playing!

por Anna Rapti

Albania , the Illyria , is where I come from . My hometown is Tirana , the of Albania . Albania shares with Serbia , Montenegro and Greece . On the west , it is bordering the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea .
The beaches are beautiful and during the hot , dry summers we swim in the clear sea , but in winter the usually drops and it often rains , so there are a lot of forests . We often have problems with disasters , such as or tsunamis that happen along the South coast .
Mother Teresa , the popular and humanitarian Nobel Prize winner , is of Albanian .
My country is not very rich and our parents sometimes go to other countries , such as Italy , France or Greece , and work there . However , we miss our .
Christin a

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