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Upper Senior 1 Present continu

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Look at the picture, read the sentences and click in the correct places.

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
9 veces realizada

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Upper Senior 1 Present continuVersión en línea

Look at the picture, read the sentences and click in the correct places.

por Veronica quintero
1 A robot is giving an ice cream to a little girl. 2 There is a man riding his bike 3 Two kids are playing with a ball 4 A family is having a picnic 5 A squirrel is climbing the tree 6 An old woman is selling sweets 7 There are four people waiting the bus 8 The baby is crying 9 Two dogs are playing 10 The girl is reading and the boy is playing the guitar 11 There is a cat on the tree house 12 Someone is swimming in the lake 13 There is a white rabbit under the table 14 A man is painting 15 Two men are sitting on a bench next to the lake 16 Where is the fish bowl? 17 Find a boy with a yellow T-shirt 18 Find a trash bin 19 Find a plane
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