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Edad recomendada: 7 años
38 veces realizada

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Fill in the blanksVersión en línea

Completar un texto con unas palabras dadas.

por Jesus Miguel Oses Zabal

room pictures fast go today important well sleep take surf drum likes swimming swim take help

1 . Pablo can very quickly , He is the best swimmer .
2 . Maitane cannot you , she must clean her .
3 . Anne can you to the zoo , she is free .
4 . Valeria cannot well ; she is only learning to do it .
5 . We can Claudia with us , we have a vacant seat .
6 . Fátima cannot be late , it is very to her .
7 . Nihale can draw wonderful , they are nice .
8 . Khalid cannot , it is very hot here .
9 . Javier can play his new well .
10 . Anne can swim , she is not afraid of .
11 . María and Samuel can arrive in time and to La Mejana .
12 . Khadija can run , she running .

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